We enjoyed sharing the following program with our attendees on 10/17/2020
and wanted to share it with anyone who missed all or part of the live program.
*We even added some bonus videos that we didn't get to show at the live event.
Why is the world warming up? | Narrated by Kristen Bell (1:13)
The case for stubborn optimism on climate | Christiana Figueres (7:58)
Cities are driving climate change. Here’s how they can fix it. | Angel Hsu (6:18)
Why is 1.5 degrees such a big deal? | Narrated by Kristen Bell (1:06)
Climate justice can’t happen without racial justice | David Lammy (9:23)
Lessons on leaving the world better than you found it | Sophie Howe (5:25)
How to decarbonize the grid and electrify everything | John Doerr & Hal Harvey (20:21)
Make your actions on climate reflect your words | Severn Cullis-Suzuki (7:03)
Our moral imperative to act on climate change and 3 steps we can take | His Holiness Pope Francis (12:54) *
The 15-minute city | Carlos Moreno (7:44) *
Where does all the carbon we release go? | Narrated by Kristen Bell (1:19)
Fossil fuel companies know how to stop global warming. Why don’t they? | Myles Allen (10:34)
The global movement to restore nature’s biodiversity | Thomas Crowther (11:27)
How we could make carbon-negative concrete | Tom Schuler (4:42)

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
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